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Modern Psychology and Ancient Wisdom

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In Ancient Hermetic terms, to present academy:

  1. A common misconception is that astrology and astronomy are the same thing. However, they are two distinct fields of study. Astronomy is the scientific study of celestial objects and Astrology is the belief that celestial bodies influence human affairs and natural events.

    Astrology, however, led to astronomy.

  2. Chemistry is also known as alchemy.
  3. Psychology involves mysticism.

Mathematics and natural, psychological, and cosmic laws are fundamental in every aspect of our lives.

The universe is a vacuum of interconnected knowledge. The universe is a mere thought within its creator’s mind like a neuron generates a thought in a human mind. One effective approach to illustrating this point is by combining the Hermetic Principles, Stoicism, Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), and modern psychology. Despite originating from different cultures and periods, these concepts can be integrated into a cohesive guide toward a fulfilled life. Remarkably, they can be unified despite being developed by different generations.

An Introduction to Living Your Happiest Life Through the Timeless Wisdom of Ancient Philosophies and Modern Psychology


Throughout human history, our species has sought answers to some of life’s most fundamental questions: Who are we? Why are we here? How should we live? This quest for wisdom and understanding has taken many forms, from the introspective musings of secluded sages to lively debates in ancient marketplaces. It encompasses everything from mysterious inscriptions on temple walls to contemporary self-help literature. As an example, the Greek philosopher Socrates was known for his method of thinking in his philosophy. By asking questions to others and encouraging them to reflect on the matter, this was accomplished.

The most helpful part is to ask questions in your mind.

Throughout history, various philosophical, spiritual, and scientific traditions have arisen to guide people through life challenges. These include the Hermetic Principles, Stoicism, Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), and modern psychology insights. These insights have shaped individuals’ minds and destinies for centuries.

Come along on an exploration journey where we’ll gather wisdom from different traditions. Each one has its unique perspective, yet they share similarities in their truths. By bringing these perspectives together, we hope to gain a more complete understanding of what it means to be human. Our goal is to learn lessons that will help us navigate life with more purpose, resilience, and joy.

Let us take you on a journey to explore the depths of these fascinating traditions as we take you on a journey through time. Discover the subtle connections, intersections, and timeless wisdom they have to offer. Whether you’re a scholar, a seeker, or just curious about the world, this synthesis offers valuable insights that could greatly enhance your understanding of yourself and the world around you.

The Seven Hermetic Principles: A Cosmic Perspective

“Every moment is a crossroad in time. Consider that, as above so below and as inside so outside and live accordingly.” – Grigoris Deoudis

Centuries ago, before modern physics and psychology, teachings aimed to connect the physical and spiritual worlds. These teachings, known as the Seven Hermetic Principles, were created by the wise Egyptian philosopher Hermes Trismegistus. They provide a comprehensive understanding of the universe and our role in it. By comprehending these principles, we can improve our understanding of ourselves and our position in the universe.

  1. Mentalism: “All is mind, the universe is mental.”

The concept states that the universe and everything within it stems from the mind. In simpler terms, everything we witness, encounter, and comprehend is a product of our mental constructs. This bears a close resemblance to current theories that propose the significance of consciousness in the makeup of reality.

Imagine the universe as a holographic projection of information stored on a two-dimensional surface, which is similar to what we already know about the universe and what our minds can produce.

  1. Correspondence: “As above, so below; as below, so above.”

There is a connection and similarity between different levels of existence. The patterns we see in the universe are replicated on a smaller scale on Earth and within us. This belief suggests that by comprehending one level of reality, we can gain an understanding of others.

As an example, the formation of crystals reflects the starry patterns in the sky, and the changing of seasons reflects the cycle of seasons in our bodies.

  1. Vibration: “Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates.”

Everything in the universe is in constant motion, from the smallest particles to the grandest galaxies. Modern physics confirms that atoms vibrate and energies oscillate. This principle reminds us that change is constant, and adaptability is crucial.

As an example, when faced with a changing environment, an organism should be able to adapt and develop to survive in the future. Similarly, when faced with problems, a person needs to adapt and be open to creative solutions to avoid getting stressed out and depressed.

  1. Polarity: “Everything is dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites.”

The concept of polarity, which is characterized by the presence of opposing forces, is an undeniable reality that can be observed in various forms. These forms include light and dark, hot and cold, and love and hate. These opposites are fundamentally the same thing but with different levels of intensity displayed. Gaining an understanding of this concept enables us to better appreciate the interplay between opposing forces. This, in turn, helps us find the necessary balance to live our lives to the fullest.

By having a better understanding of light and dark dynamics, we can optimize our energy usage during the day. For instance, we can focus more intensely during periods of high energy and take a break during moments of clarity when our energy levels dip.

  1. Rhythm: “Everything flows out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall.”

The universe has a natural rhythm, with cyclical patterns in phenomena. Seasons change, civilizations rise and fall, and emotions ebb and flow. Recognizing these rhythms allows us to better align with the natural course of things.

For example, it’s been noted that some individuals tend to be more productive at specific times of the day, like in the morning or evening. This helps them get more things done. On the other hand, some people feel more creative and efficient during the afternoon.

  1. Cause and Effect: “Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.”

Every event has a reason, and nothing happens by chance. This principle highlights the universe’s ordered nature and suggests that we are all part of a grand tapestry. Even the most inconspicuous thread plays a significant role in this tapestry.

It could be, for example, that if a person meets someone else by chance, it might be that both of them need to meet each other to learn something from the other person.

  1. Gender: “Gender is in everything; everything has masculine and feminine principles.”

This principle speaks of the dual nature inherent in all things, beyond biological gender: active and passive, giving and receiving. It’s a call to recognize and balance these forces within ourselves and the world around us.

For example, this principle encourages us to embrace both rigorous and soft problem-solving approaches, as well as masculine and feminine energy in our daily lives.

To Conclude:

The Seven Hermetic Principles provide a cosmic perspective and guide for self-awareness and personal development. By comprehending these principles, we can navigate life’s complexities and gain insight from wisdom that has endured through time and different civilizations. They serve as a reminder that, despite advanced technology, some truths remain timeless and significant.

“When the night arrives, I often look up at the bright sky only to close my eyes and see the light within. Everything above so is below.” – Nikhil Sharda


Stoicism: A Philosophy for Resilient Living

“The greatest thing a man can do in this world, is to make the most possible out of the stuff that has been given him. This is success, and there is no other.” – Orison Swett Marden

Throughout Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire, a philosophical movement known as Stoicism emerged. This movement aimed to answer the fundamental questions of human existence and fate’s unpredictable nature. This philosophy has withstood the test of time, resonating with individuals across different eras. At its core, Stoicism promotes serenity, courage, and wisdom in the face of life’s challenges.

Stoicism promotes purpose and meaning in life. It advocates for individuals to take ownership of their actions and behave in alignment with their core values. Stoicism inspires people to lead a life of excellence and inner peace, even when faced with challenging circumstances. Stoicism teaches individuals not to be swayed by external factors like money, influence, or popularity. Instead, they prioritize living a life of significance and moral excellence. It encourages introspection and discovering one’s sense of purpose and values to live in harmony with them.

  1. Understanding Stoicism:

Stoicism was established in Athens by Zeno of Citium during the early 3rd century BC. It advocates that moral wisdom or virtue is the sole genuine good and that actions should be guided by reason and virtue. One’s behavior is the only domain of actual control, and external occurrences, whether deemed favorable or adverse, should be faced with composure.

As Zeno put it, living in harmony with nature means accepting things as they are and not trying to manipulate them in any way. In addition, he believed in living a virtuous and just life guided by reason and by virtue in everything he did.

  1. The Core Stoic Virtues:

    – Wisdom: Understanding the difference between things within our control (our actions, judgments, desires) and things outside our control (wealth, reputation, health) is key to recognizing the natural order of the universe and discerning what’s truly valuable.

    – Courage: It takes more than courage in battle to be brave. One must face daily challenges, confront fears, and uphold integrity even when it’s difficult.

    – Justice: It is important to benefit both ourselves and the community while recognizing our interconnectedness and treating all beings fairly.

    – Temperance: This virtue pertains to moderation and self-control. It involves refraining from indulgences, finding balance in all things, and avoiding excess.

  1. Key Stoic Principles:

    – View from Above: By taking a ‘bird’s-eye view’ of our lives, we can detach from the immediacy of our problems and see them in the broader context of the universe. This shift in perspective helps us not sweat the small stuff and appreciate existence’s fleeting beauty.

    – Inner Fortress: Each of us has an unbreakable core that remains untouched by external events. By retreating to this inner fortress, we can find peace amidst chaos.

    – Nature as an Ally: According to Stoic philosophy, living in harmony with nature means accepting the natural course of events and navigating life with grace.

Stoicism’s Relevance Today:

In today’s fast-paced and challenging world, it’s easy to feel helpless and dissatisfied. Stoicism offers guidance by emphasizing inner strength, resilience, and understanding. Whether we’re dealing with personal tragedies, societal pressures, or global crises, Stoicism principles can help us achieve a balanced, rational, and fulfilled existence.

Stoicism teaches us to view challenges as chances to improve and increase our strength. It also encourages us to be aware of our thoughts and feelings and to aim for honesty in our actions. By following these values, we can cultivate tranquility and contentment within ourselves.

To Conclude:

Despite being an ancient philosophy, Stoicism possesses several practical tools that can be used for resilience as well. It serves as a reminder that there are certain things that we cannot control, but we can control our reactions in reaction to them. It is through this choice that we gain freedom and inner peace. By adopting Stoicism, we can gain the strength to cope with life’s challenges, knowing that our reactions to them are ultimately within our control.

“It’s not what happens to you, but how you respond to it that matters.” – Epictetus

The 17 Principles of PMA: Science of Success

“Success is something you experience when you act accordingly. Success is not something you have, it’s something you do.” – Steve Maraboli

Napoleon Hill’s study of successful individuals has a significant impact on personal development. He distilled their shared qualities into the 17 Principles of the Science of Success, rooted in Positive Mental Attitude (PMA). These principles are not only useful for financial success but also guide overall success and contentment.

According to Hill, success depends on one’s attitude and mindset. He believed that by adopting positive habits and a constructive outlook, individuals could attain their objectives and lead a fulfilling life.

Here are the 17 principles of PMA in short. These principles involve taking proactive steps, showing initiative, and embracing failure as an opportunity to learn and improve. They also involve staying present, being receptive to feedback and criticism, and showing gratitude for every blessing in life.

  1. Definiteness of Purpose:

    – Every journey starts with a clear destination in mind. Knowing one’s purpose acts as a guiding star, providing direction and motivation.

  1. Mastermind:

    – Collaborative energy amplifies success. Creating a group of like-minded individuals provides collective wisdom, support, and momentum.

  1. Applied Faith:

    – A strong belief in one’s purpose and the unseen forces of the universe can propel an individual forward, turning dreams into reality.

  1. Going the Extra Mile:

    – Offering more than expected, whether in service, effort, or value, leads to more significant opportunities and rewards.

  1. Pleasant Personality:

    – A harmonious and amiable demeanor attracts positive relationships and opportunities.

  1. Personal Initiative:

    – Proactivity, rather than mere reactivity, sets the stage for creating and seizing opportunities.

  1. Positive Mental Attitude (PMA):

    – Cultivating an optimistic perspective, even in challenging circumstances, paves the way for success and well-being.

  1. Enthusiasm:

    – Passion and zest can be infectious, inspiring oneself and others to act with vigor and commitment.

  1. Self-Discipline:

    – Mastery over impulses and consistent adherence to purpose is the bedrock of lasting success.

  1. Accurate Thinking:

    – Separating facts from fiction and making decisions based on clear, logical, and informed thinking is pivotal.

  1. Controlled Attention:

    – Focusing one’s energy and attention on one’s definite purpose ensures efficient and effective progress.

  1. Teamwork:

    – Understanding that collective effort often achieves more than individual endeavors.

  1. Adversity & Defeat:

    – Viewing setbacks not as failures but as learning opportunities. Each challenge is a stepping stone towards success.

  1. Creative Vision:

    – Harnessing the power of imagination to envision possibilities beyond present reality.

  1. Maintenance of Sound Health:

    – Recognizing that a healthy body carries one towards goals.

  1. Budgeting Time & Money:

    – Effective resource management ensures sustainability and growth.

  1. Cosmic Habit Force:

    – Understanding the universe’s natural rhythms and aligning one’s habits with these forces to create an effortless flow toward one’s goals.

To Conclude:

The 17 Principles of Positive Mental Attitude (PMA) are not just theories, but actual insights taken from successful individuals’ experiences. By implementing these principles in our daily routines, we can steer ourselves towards material accomplishments but also a life filled with meaning, enthusiasm, and optimism.

“Successful people have no fear of failure. But unsuccessful people do. Successful people have the resilience to face up to failure—learn the lessons and adapt from it.” – Roy T. Bennett

The Confluence: Hermetic Principles, Stoicism, PMA, and Psychology

 “Excellence is never an accident. It is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, and intelligent execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives – choice, not chance, determines your destiny.” – Aristotle

“Our life is what our thoughts make it.” – Marcus Aurelius

Throughout the history of mankind, several philosophical, mystical, and scientific traditions have contributed to the tapestry of human understanding as well as the pursuit of wisdom. Notably, the Hermetic Principles, Stoicism, Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), and modern psychology provide unique insights when examined collectively, offering a comprehensive perspective on the human experience.

 These principles can be used to understand ourselves and the world around us and to develop strategies to improve our well-being and achieve success. They are also powerful tools for personal growth and transformation.

  1. The Universe as a Living System:

Hermetic Principles: The Principle of Mentalism states that “All is Mind,” suggesting that the universe is a mental construct. It touches upon the interconnectedness of all things.

Stoicism: Stoics understand the concept of ‘Logos’ – the universal reason inherent in all things, emphasizing a cosmos ordered by reason.

PMA: Recognizes the power of the mind in shaping outcomes, reflecting the idea that our inner beliefs manifest externally.

Psychology: The study of perception and cognition explores how our internal interpretations of the world shape our experiences.

  1. Understanding and Harnessing Change:

Hermetic Principles: The Principle of Rhythm speaks to the ebb and flow of all things, the natural cycles of life.

Stoicism: Emphasizes accepting the natural order of things, understanding that change and impermanence are inherent.

PMA: Encourages adaptability and sees challenges as opportunities for growth.

Psychology: Concepts like adaptability and resilience are central, emphasizing the importance of navigating change healthily.

  1. Inner Worlds Reflecting Outwards:

Hermetic Principles: The Principle of Correspondence (“As above, so below”) suggests a mirroring between the macrocosm and microcosm, the external and internal.

Stoicism: Focuses on the idea that an individual’s inner virtue and peace will be reflected outwardly in the manner in which they live and act.

PMA: Central to PMA is the belief that a positive inner attitude can influence external outcomes.

Psychology: Explores how internal mental and emotional states influence behavior, decision-making, and interactions with the environment.

  1. The Pursuit of Mastery and Growth:

Hermetic Principles: The Principle of Polarity and the Principle of Vibration touch upon mastering one’s internal states and resonating at higher frequencies.

Stoicism: Stresses the importance of personal virtue, self-control, and wisdom as paths to a fulfilled life.

PMA: Many principles, like ‘Self-Discipline’ and ‘Definiteness of Purpose’, focus on personal mastery and growth.

Psychology: It is widely accepted that positive psychology is concerned with self-actualization, personal development, and the pursuit of growth.

  1. Universal Connections and Unity:

Hermetic Principles: The Principle of Gender speaks to the interconnected dance of masculine and feminine forces in all of creation.

Stoicism: Emphasizes the shared rationality and interconnectedness of humanity, frequently referring to the concept of ‘brotherhood of man’ as the supreme value.

PMA: Principles like ‘Mastermind’ underscore the power of collective, cooperative effort.

Psychology: Studies on empathy, social connections, and group dynamics explore our inherent interconnectedness and need for social bonds.

To Conclude:

The Hermetic Principles, Stoicism, Positive Mental Attitude (PMA), and psychology, although originating from different sources and having their nuances, blend seamlessly in their comprehension of the universe, the individual, and their relationship. Their combined knowledge highlights the mind’s influence, the naturalness (and attractiveness) of change, and our deep interconnectedness. Embracing these teachings as a whole can serve as guidance when navigating life’s intricacies with insight, elegance, and a strong sense of direction.

“You are a wonderful creation. You know more than you think you know, just as you know less than you want to know.” – Oscar Wilde

Final Thoughts

“When you make a choice, you change the future.” – Deepak Chopra

As we explored the teachings of Hermetic Principles, Stoicism, PMA, and modern psychology, we came to a profound realization – that despite our different approaches to seeking wisdom, we all ultimately discover universal truths. These various traditions, despite being separated by time, culture, and methods, all speak in harmony about the timeless aspects of the human experience.

We strive to comprehend both ourselves and the world around us. This pursuit is not just a theoretical or academic endeavor but deeply rooted in humanity. It taps into our natural longing to discover our purpose in the universe. It unlocks our capabilities and lets us navigate life’s many obstacles and pleasures.

Every tradition has its distinctive approach to encouraging us to recognize the transformative capabilities of our minds. It encourages us to accept life’s cyclical patterns and to acknowledge our intrinsic connection to all that surrounds us. These traditions remind us that our external circumstances often reflect our internal states. They also remind us that the most profound journey we can embark upon is mastering ourselves.

In an increasingly complex and rapidly changing world, these timeless teachings have gained heightened importance. They provide comfort, direction, and resources to develop resilience, purpose, and profound happiness.

To conclude, it is worthwhile to remember that the true value of the teachings is not only in comprehending them but also in putting them into practice. Let us progress with a comprehensive perspective, valuing the perspectives of each tradition and blending them into the fabric of our existence. Through this synthesis, we gain more than just knowledge, but a path to satisfaction, balance, and a stronger bond with the cosmos.

I hope you enjoyed reading this informative blog. If you would like to read more about any specific topic, please let us know.


Jay Pacheco

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