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Epictetus and the Art of Stoic Positivity
The Art of Stoic Positivity! While taking a run in Marumsskogen (woods) in Sandefjord, Norway this afternoon,...
Stoic Leaders
Early Stoics Zeno of Citium Origin: Kition, Cyprus 334 BC – D. 262 BC Areas of interest: Ethics, Physics,...
Marcus Aurelius
Who Is Marcus Aurelius? Getting To Know The Roman Emperor Introduction Agasicles, king of the Spartans, once...
Who Is Seneca? Inside The Mind of The World’s Most Interesting Stoic Profiles, Stoic Philosophers...
Stoic Quotes
Find below a selection of our favorite Stoic quotes.  If you are new to the philosophy, we invite you...
12 (Stoic) Rules For Life: An Ancient Guide to the Good Life
Rule 1: Own the morning “At dawn, when you have trouble getting out of bed, tell yourself: ‘I have to...
How To Be A Stoic: 9 Stoic Exercises To Get You Started
1. The Dichotomy Of Control “The chief task in life is simply this: to identify and separate matters...
Who Were The Stoic Philosophers?
Agasicles, king of the Spartans, once quipped that he wanted to be “the student of men whose son I should...
How Did Stoicism Begin?
Around 304 BC, a merchant named Zeno was shipwrecked on a trading voyage. He lost nearly everything....
PMA© Science: What Is Stoicism? A Definition & 9 Stoic Exercises To Get You Started
For those of us who live our lives in the real world, there is one branch of philosophy created just...