How can CBT help me?

How Can Cognitive Behavioral Therapy Help Me?

Research has shown that CBT is an effective treatment for a huge range of conditions including: depression, anxiety, panic, trauma (PTSD), obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), pain, tinnitus, and many more.

Finding A Cognitive Behavioural Therapist

To find an appropriately trained cognitive behavioural therapist the best place to start is the CBT accrediting body in your country – they will normally have a list of trained therapists.

For more information see the finding a CBT therapist page

CBT Self-Help

The ultimate aim of CBT is for you to become your own therapist. You can accomplish this by seeing a therapist trained in CBT, or by using CBT self-help. Like learning any new skill it will take some time and persistence, but the effects can pay off improvements to your life.

This site can teach you the key points of CBT self-help, and will point you in the direction of other reading to help take it further.

Does It Work?

Often when people ask ‘does it work?’ what they mean is ‘can it help me?’. The answer is that CBT is a very effective form of therapy. Research has shown that it is an effective treatment for depression, anxiety, trauma, and many other conditions. Both therapist-guided CBT and self-help CBT have been shown to be effective. For CBT to be effective though, you have to want to change – your motivation, and your willingness to do things that might feel uncomfortable in the short term, are big predictors of how effective it can be.